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Our Team

Fiona Roth


Fiona lives in Kitchener with her husband Mike and children, Molly and Michael Jr.. Fiona has been a social worker in the community for 25 years. She has worked in the children’s mental health field for her entire career.


Fiona is passionate about starting this foundation because she is committed to a community where anyone struggling with mental health is met with hope and compassion at every stage of their journey and where no one falls through the cracks. Fiona is motivated to bring good out of the tragic loss of her daughter who died by suicide in 2022.


Her daughter, Kaitlyn, faced many barriers to receiving continuity of care. Fiona is passionate about making sure the difficulties that her family faced in finding services for Kaitlyn do not happen to anyone else. She is excited to be part of this foundation and be a voice of hope and change of “Filling In The Gaps” of the mental health system using a trauma informed and strengths-based approach.

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Mike Roth


Mike lives in Kitchener with his wife Fiona and children, Molly and Michael Jr. Mike has been a Registered Kinesiologist in the community for 27+ years. He has treated and managed multi-disciplinary health care clinics in the community and is currently supporting employees returning to work from occupational and non-occupational injuries.


Mike is excited to be a part of this foundation and hopes the ongoing dialogue about mental health will continue to further the resources and understanding of the disease of mental illness. He believes it is just like any other disease such as diabetes and cancer. He believes that mental health and physical health should be treated the same and without stigma.


Through the tragic loss of his daughter, Kaitlyn, who died due to the disease of mental illness in April 2022, he is passionate in making it better for the community and all of Canada. His daughter Kaitlyn faced many barriers to receiving continuity of care. Mike is passionate about making sure the difficulties that his family faced in finding services for Kaitlyn do not happen to anyone else. Together with your support of the Kaitlyn Roth Memorial Foundation, Mike hopes the Foundation can provide a voice of hope and compassion while helping to "Fill In The Gaps" for individuals and families who are living through the mental health journey.



Amy Garrett


Amy grew up in the KW area has been married to Trevor for over 28 years. They have four amazing adult children together, and are passionate about family, health and being positive contributors to the local community.


Amy has spent the past 25 years raising her children and navigating life with kids, teens and now young adults: a journey that has radically opened her eyes to the crisis we are facing with mental illness, and how deeply it is affecting this young generation.


She has personally experienced the loss 3 beautiful souls to suicide, and is actively journeying with friends and family who find themselves facing that same hopelessness. Walking with them and staying present in their darkness.


She is passionate about being a voice of hope and help, and is so grateful to be partnering with “Filling In The Gaps” to make sure that people (young and old) have access to the resources they need to heal and thrive.

Grant O'Neill


Grant earned his Chartered Accounting degree in 1977. He worked at Deloitte for 7 years then moved into Industry for most of the remainder of his career.


He taught advanced accounting part time at Laurier for almost 25 years.


He helps serve one large meal a month at the Ray of Hope , where he also voluntarily does tax returns and other accounting work (obtaining CPP and OAS benefits) for the underprivileged.(about 65 a year).


He is currently retired but he has been the treasurer for the Brain Injury Association of Waterloo Wellington for the past 4 years.


Paul Labelle

Website Design

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